The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88227   Message #1654426
Posted By: LilyFestre
23-Jan-06 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush Constituent Lashes Out
Subject: RE: BS: Bush Constituent Lashes Out
You know what? It IS disheartening to hear all you folks bash the United States. Yes, there are problems but you all have chosen to stay here. If you are really that disgruntled, why do you stay? Really?   What are you doing to make changes?

The issue about black students not graduating...why is it that students are allowed to drop out at age 16? Surely it is NOT because they are mature enough to make that kind of life altering decision. How about that as a starting point? Mandatory education to the age of 18 or completion of the 12th grade, whichever comes first? I can't imagine that it would be more expensive to further educate the students for the extra 2-3 years vs. paying welfare, health care and prison fees.

As many of you know, I am in college. I attend a small, rural University where black students from the cities are given FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to come to college. The entrance levels are lowered and even the academic standards for these students to stay are lowered. Sure, it's a quota filling thing but here's what gets me...these kids come from the cities and then f*ck around and then scream discrimination when they finally are tossed out. Some of them are smart enough to take advantage of the situation before them, but most are not. They have been given a HUGE advantage over many local students who cannot afford such an education and they blow it. The old saying still can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

These same folks are the very last to reach out and take the hand of friendship that is offered by many. It seems such a waste that the education is given out freely to people who really aren't interested in making the effort to take advantage of it.

I don't mean to single out any particular group of people in a negative manner but the situation, as it presents itself here, involves black high school graduates from urban areas. Perhaps poverty is not always a circumstance but might also sometimes be a choice...such as the kids I see at the university.
