The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87904   Message #1654544
Posted By: The Shambles
23-Jan-06 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
I'm reading your statement very carefully, Shambles. I for one do not necessarily agree that when people do something bad in the name of religion that religion is to blame. Sometimes it may well be, but people are definitely not above using religion as a justification for doing something bad when it has very little to do with their actions. And it's not just religion.>snip<

Whose responsibilty is it when it NOT organised religions to blame? Is these cases is it God's or is it no one's?

The statement was 'because of and in the name of organised religion' For Bill D and the Pedantics - you could substitute the word OR for or AND but either way if there were no organised religions and their tenets - the perpetrator would not have that particular excuse - would they? And nor would you be able to use this excuse and nor would organised religions.

You may quibble about the odd case but it is not as if there are a shortage of many concrete and rock-solid examples of bad things being done because of and in the name of organised religions. Do you have similar reservations about blaming the trade in illegal drugs for the bad things done because of them? I suspect not.

And these examples may not be thought to make religion in general a bad thing any more than bad things being done in the name of democracy make democracy in general a bad thing. But whoever is responsible for encouraging these abuses in the name of organised religion or democracy should take the blame. For should the doing of any bad things done in the name of organised religion, democracy or Castro's beard ever be qualified excused in the way that you are attempting to do here?

The armed forces and organised regions may well also act as fine social clubs that enable you to do things like travel and learn to water ski - but that is not what these organisations exist for - is it? You can also learn to water ski in a non-millitary social club that will not expect you to go out and kill someone often - I hope you wiil sadly accept - with the blessing of an organised religion.....