The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88301   Message #1655562
Posted By: GUEST,Anonny Mouse
25-Jan-06 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why is the Geico Gekko a Brit?
Subject: RE: BS: Why is the Geico Gekko a Brit?
Well, as of 4:00 P.M. it's ON (Fox news--don't go apoplectic!!). Maybe it IS Australian-although he has yet to say put some "shrimp on the barbie." (a dead giveaway to us non-Brits!). Anyway, Mr. Gekko is on a LOT--and even seems to replacing David Spade, the chub-guy, Esteban, etc. I find his Brit accent "comforting" whether high Brit, low Brit, whatever. Seems they've found a new Brit spokes-gekko for their ads. Y'all will have to get over it, I guess. HAHAHAHAHAHA.