The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88262   Message #1656056
Posted By: robinia
26-Jan-06 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
Subject: RE: G.Papavgeris on Radio Britfolk
Hey I just got this phonetic transcription via Dick Greenhouse (and C Robson). It answers some questions and still leaves some unanswered ....

Da boatie sails an da boatie rowes
Dey set dir sails and dey hail dir towes
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie lamb,
Da faider is comin awa fae fram.

Da sheep dey baa, and da craas dey craa,
Dey flap dir wings an dey flee awa,
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie flee,
Aald Daa'll be comin wi shalls ta dee.

Da burnie rins an da burnie rowes,
Da lambs dey dance ower da hedder-cowes
Hush a baa-baa, me treasure dear,
Dey'll naebody hurt dee whin Mam is near.

Da laverick lifts and he sings tae aa,
Da Winter comes wi da caald an snaa,
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie flooer,
Lang willie is löin ahint da door.

Da mares dey böl an da kye comes hame,
We lay wis doon in da Gödie's name,
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie ting,
He covers wis aa wi His holy wing.

Da boatie sails an da boatie rowes
Dey set dir sails and dey hail dir towes
Hush a baa-baa, me peerie lamb,
Da faider is comin awa fae fram.