The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88154   Message #1656288
Posted By: Ron Davies
26-Jan-06 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noted without comment (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Noted without comment (2)
"Martin"--not your real name, of course--a handy index on your courage----

You were "physically threatened with harm"?--wonderfully classic writing style--ever hear of anybody physically threatened, but not "with harm"? A bit redundant--which certainly is something you would identify with. I suspect you've experienced it more than once. Aside from that, your credibility--on anything--is, as I mentioned earlier, not the best. Sorry Martin (oops, there's that unwanted pun creeping in)--you have a problem there.

Why don't you lie down until your persecution delusions go away? Perhaps flashbacks from your 60's experiences? Your obsessions are particularly revealing--bathrooms, underwear, cross-dressing, drugs. A bit of projection, I'll warrant, and definitely arrested development--about age 4--possibly caused by the drugs. You are indeed a fascinating case.

But I assure you, as I've said before, that we're not in every shadow, planning to make you "physically threatened with harm". We're actually here to help you-since you obviously need a lot of help.

Dehumanized "every day"? Poor boy. Sounds like a serious problem. I'm afraid you'll need more help than we can give--better see a professional-----soon.

But the real problem is all your complaints sound suspiciously like whining. So---the person who most complains about others whining is himself the #1 whiner.

That's quite interesting, to say the least.

But, congratulations, "Martin", you're #1 in something-----finally.

And, as I've said before, please continue your defense of Mr. Bush. You wouldn't believe how helpful your contributions are. I'm sure he agrees fully with your brilliant observation that anybody who disagrees with him is a traitor.

But next time you may possibly want to actually read a reputable newspaper before putting your mouth in gear. Based on your command of English, I'm sure you can slog through one in 3 or 4 hours.

However long it took, it would be a refreshing change if you would do so.

At any rate, keep up the good work.

Hope to hear from you soon.