The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62901   Message #1656716
Posted By: Old Guy
27-Jan-06 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views of the Bush Administration
Hey Amos who is your favorite president??

January 19, 2006
Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings:
Thomas Sowell, one of America's brightest intellects, wrote the following about the Senate Confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito:
Thomas Sowell

"They told us more about the Senators than about Judge Alito."

"The biggest hypocrisy was asking Judge Alito questions that everyone knew in advance, no judicial nominee could - or should - answer, and then complaining on nationwide television that Alito was not responsive."

"The real purpose of all this grand standing was to play to the gallery of the most rabid element of Democratic Party activists, people like Hollywood leftists who contribute big bucks and who hate everything this administration stands for, as well as what most Americans stand for."

Sowell then stated "The larger question is how we are going to get good people that we need on courts, if they have to go through smears and petty harassment during confirmation hearings. Highly qualified people usually have other options and many of them may go elsewhere other than becoming the butt of political games on nationwide television."