The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1656721
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jan-06 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
No, Old Guy, this is where you go drastically wrong!!!

Yes, for you Bush apologists it would be real convient to leave the impression that this was failure of state, loacl and federal governemnt. Porblem is, is that your propositiion is terribly flawed and fir a very good reason... You guys don't cop to nuthin"...

First of all, the National Response Plan took into account situations where state and local governments were overwhelmed... I think it is safe to say that this was the case here..

Secondly, It is not even a given that the sate and locals weren't performing well... Governor Blanko has turned over her documents on what she did and Bush has turned over cherry picked documents ane refusded to hand over any more...

And lastly, Bush, inspite of an urgent call from fall-guy, Micheal Brown two days before Katrina hit, did nothjing but continue his vaction and even then went to Californis to do some comapaigning...

These are the facts...

Now to WITT: Karl "Big Fat Liar" says that Republicans are the ones with the post 9/11 vision????


"cept it ain't funny... The only thing they seem to care about is raiding the treasury for themselves and their fat cat CEO buds...

No one is safer since 9/11... Incidents of terrorism have incresed every year since 9/11...

You won't admit it, Old Guy, but you know it is true... How anyone can defend Bush anymore is beyond me unless yer getting rich off the treasury rip-off... whcih must be the case...
