The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88383 Message #1657133
Posted By: gnu
28-Jan-06 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Eagle Owl shot
Subject: RE: BS: UK Eagle Owl shot
As I grow older and wiser, I tend to agree with anti-hunters, to an extent. As a matter of fact, this past hunting season, not only did I not take any game (even the Big Fellah that I had dead to rights for twenty seconds) but, I saved one deer from being shot by a hunting buddy who was drawing down on it... he would be pissed if he knew I fired each of three shots in order to scare the deer back into the woods. It was a medium sized buck. I decided he should live. And, I don't know why. It's not the way I was raised.
Oh, I agree that raising any animal for "hunting" is just plain wrong. When it comes to domesticated animals, better to ensure a quick clean kill by, say, shoving an electrode up a chicken's ass than risk having it wounded by a poor shot. And, ya can't beat an electric or hydraulic powered bolt hammer placed just above and between the eyes for killing large animals. Of course, all slaughterhouses will still have to keep a high powered rifle on hand for those times when one of the large animals decides it doesn't want to be next.
Gosh. I just don't know any more. I think my camera will get a lot more use in the future than my guns. But, I will never tell anyone else they can't hunt.