The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88383   Message #1657186
Posted By: Rapparee
28-Jan-06 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Eagle Owl shot
Subject: RE: BS: UK Eagle Owl shot
Shoot an eagle -- any eagle -- in the US and you've broken Federal law (with very limited exception, such as for Indian ceremonies). Even to possess the feathers of a raptor is illegal, and this includes hawks, falcons, gyrfalcons, owls, condors, and others. We currently have a Shoshone war bonnet on display at the Library, courtesy of the Shoban Tribal Museum -- about six feet of eagle feathers. The museum and the tribe can possess this, but don't even think of it as a non-Indian! Big fines, and big jail time.

As for hunting, I have hunted and I will hunt. I also differentiate between hunters and kill-crazy slobs. One follows a long, proud, ethical tradition, the other should not be allowed outside of the couch and the television. One might drink after the hunt, the other drinks before, during and after. One conserves, the other wastes. One can stalk an elk or deer for a couple hours, and when it is finally in the sights and a clean kill is certain pauses and says to her or his self, "I don't need the food right now" and quietly backs away; the other sits in a pickup and shoots at anything that moves. I like to consider myself and my family and friends in the first group.