The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88377   Message #1657506
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Jan-06 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Zionist Negotiation ?
Subject: RE: BS: Zionist Negotiation ?
God belongs to all people, not just the people in one self-idolizing, self-glorifying, archaic, and insane fundamentalist religion. God didn't write the holy books, a bunch of old men wrote them a long time ago, imagining that THEY were the one and only voice of God! What gall. As if God was that limited! Sheesh. It boggles the mind what people can believe.

Somebody could tell that to both the orthodox Jews AND the Muslim fundamentalists, but I doubt that it would do any good whatsoever. Their dogma requires them not to listen to any differing opinions, doesn't it? It SAYS so in their book! That's a catch-22. It deprives you of the need to ever think independently again. Just quote the friggin' book! That's what the Red Guards did...they quoted Chairman Mao...and a billion Chinese can't be wrong, can they? Ha! You BET they can be wrong. So can a few million Israelis and Arabs.

As for terrorists, terrorists are people who terrorize civilian populations. Period.   They wear many different nations' uniforms...or no uniform at all...which makes no difference whatsoever to the grieving families of the people they kill.

The "Enola Gay", for instance, was a famous terrorist airplane. It killed far more people in one shot than Hamas has ever managed to so far. That doesn't make Hamas better, morally just makes them much less effective as terrorists. The US Air Force is way better at getting the terrorism job done than Hamas could ever dream of being, unless Hamas gets some nukes and a means of launching them. Let's hope they don't.