The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88398   Message #1657908
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
30-Jan-06 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry calls for Fillibuster...
Subject: RE: BS: Kerrty calls for Fillibuster...
Thank you John Kerry.   Thank you Howard Dean.    These are the gifts that keep giving.   We conservatives appreciate the generosity of you democrats to give us these wonderful gifts.

Kerry has been completely irrelavant in the Alito hearings.   To get in the spotlight and earn points with his base he calls for a filibuster.   From a 5 star resort in Switzerland confirming his status as an ellistist to the American people.

Alito has the votes.   51 republicans support him, (other 4 undecided but will not support filibuster) 3 democrats support Alito and Landueax has said she will not suppport filibuster.   Thats 59 votes.   Kerry would have to get every other democrat to get his 41 votes.   Including Feinstein and Liebeman who said they do not support filibuster.   Therefore the vote is already lost.

Rather that getting Alito off the front page headlines, Kerry has kept him in the spotlight.   On Monday the Senate will end discussion and the filibuster motion will be defeated.   They will vote Tuesday morning.   Alito will win with 60-70 votes.   Alito will be sworn in on Tuesday afternoon and introduced in the seat of honor at the State of the union.   ANOTHER REPUBLICAN VICTORY and DEMOCRAT DEFEAT.

Thank you John Kerry for this timing and publicity highlighting the democratic defeat.

Thank you Howard Dean who now admits that the DNC has only 5.5 million in the bank while the RNC has 35 million in the bank.   As Bobert said- the candidate with the most money wins 90% of the time.   Keep up the good work Howard.   With the democratic senators from Minnesota, Maryland, and Vermont (I know he calls himself an independent but votes with democrats) retiring, and weakness with Nelson(fla), Stabinow, Nelson (neb), Corzine, and Cantrell- 2006 could be a good election year in the Senate.

In the words of John Kerry- "bring it on"