The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88377   Message #1658485
Posted By: CarolC
31-Jan-06 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Zionist Negotiation ?
Subject: RE: BS: Zionist Negotiation ?
Let it not be forgotten that the goal of Palestinian terrorism is specifically to provoke over the top responses from Israel that will result in greater losses to the Palestinians. The leaders of Hamas and other terrorist groups know that greater losses of Palestinian life will be the consequence of their actions. They don't care. To them, their own people are worth more as dead "martyrs" than they are alive. They are evil.

Yes, that is the goal of Hamas. And I think "evil" is not too strong a word for people who would do such things.

The goal of Israeli terrorism has always been the following: 1.) to terrorise local Arab populations for the purpose of getting them to vacate their homes and villages, 2.) to convnice the British to leave Palestine, 3.) to incite hatred of and violence toward Arabs generally and Palestinians specifically, 4.) to manipulate Western governments to give military and other financial aid to Israel, and to manipulate Western governments into helping Israel wage war against whomever Israel wanted to wage war against, and 5.) to cause instability in other countries for the purpose of causing them to break up into warring factions.

The fact is that many tens of thousands of innocent civilians, women, children, old and young men, have died because of these agendas and these acts. We do not help any innocent non-combatants by glossing over them or sweeping them under the carpet. These campaigns against the people Israel would like to conquer and/or subjugate are ongoing, and we should be drawing attention to them, not covering them up. And if what Hamas is doing is "evil", then so is what is being done by Israel.