The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88398   Message #1658544
Posted By: Bobert
31-Jan-06 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry calls for Fillibuster...
Subject: RE: BS: Kerrty calls for Fillibuster...
Just as I predicted...

Alito only got 58 votes!!!!

Yeah, if I'm a Bushite and my guy only got 58 friggin' votes I'd stick my head under a pillow...

More Repubs bolted on Alito than bolted on Clarence Uncle Tom" Thomas...

Yeah, maybe some folks thing any win is a win but this one came with tarnish a' plenty...

But, fir evryone else... Hide yer wallets... This guy is going to get into your pockets... He will back the corporations, the lame doctors who takwe off the wrong leg, the folks who screw over women and minorites who will continue to be paid less for equal works...

Yeah, this guy will use "strick construction" when it puts more bucks in the rich folks pockets and "loose consrction" when it comes to making abortion a "rich woman's" option, just lijke it used to be...

Sad day for America, and for anyone who thinks that Alito snuck in under the radar and will be some closet liberal who wll champion the working class's concerns: Aint going to happen!!!
