The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88471   Message #1659584
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
01-Feb-06 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
Ol' Dub'ya doesn't represent me in ANY way, shape, form or idea and I still cannot tolerate the sound of his voice or the words he chooses to utter; he is, in my opinion - a disgrace to the office he holds, the nation he pretends to serve and all that Jefferson, Franklin and Adams, et al, stood for.

Again, I cannot blame the "thimble-wit" because he is, after all - a thimble-wit. I can, and do, however, blame the American electorate who has become too fat, too lazy and too ignorant to render an intelligent decision in the ballot box. We have seen this for years, election after election; hence, we have this thimble-wit called, Bush, who will remain in office until the appropriate time when the American electorate is asked to put another thimble-wit in office. Which leads me to ask - who do you think it will be? Having written all of that it's probably unnecessary for me to write, NO I DIDN'T WATCH THE SON-OF-A-BITCH (don't take it personal BB) but I did listen to the pundits pick it apart afterwards - easier on the intellectual pallate.