The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88471   Message #1659698
Posted By: Bobert
01-Feb-06 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
Subject: RE: BS: Didcha watch the State of Union Address?
Yes... it sucked!!!

Democratic Governor Tim Kaine (Va.) said more in 9 minutes that made sense than Bush siad in his 51 minutes... Heck if Bush had spoken for another 51 hours he would have been hard pressed to top Governor Kaine's 9 minute Democtatic Response...

Ain't quanity or every 48 second burst of applause for the Repubs but quality and Kaine whupped Bush a new one...

And he did it talkin' about bi-partisanship... Somehting that Bush wouldn't know if it knocked on his door with a name tag...

Like I said, it sucked... Worst State of the Union Address since his last...
