The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88495   Message #1660095
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Feb-06 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: joining the masons
Subject: RE: BS: joining the masons
Guest, undecided,

If you do a search using "freemasons" you will find many posts by Mudcatters who are either members or have known members. Lots of helpful advice, and, of course, naysayers.

My uncle was one and he was one of the most honest, kindest men to ever walk this earth. My sisters and I all became members of Job's Daughters, under his aegis.

There is a lot of truth and beauty in the rituals, etc. and it does not have to be about the connections, though why wouldn't one want those, too? Those of like mind often support one another through business, aid and assistance, etc.

Listen to what you heart says and go from there...

all the best,
