The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88549   Message #1663455
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
06-Feb-06 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where do you get a Danish flag in Gaza?
Subject: RE: BS: Where do you get a Danish flag in Gaza?
Dig this : They aren't even rioting over the cartoon depiction of Mohammed. They're rioting over somebody's concept of what a cartoon Mohammed would look like. Since representational, pictorial art has not been allowed in Muslim countries in 1700 years, my guess is nobody has the faintest clue what Mohammed looked like. Hell, when it comes to an accurate image of a historical character, Mohammed makes Jesus look like Brad Pitt.
ME: Look! See this stick figure with the smiley face?
Muslim Fundamentalist: Yes? Why?
ME: Because watch as I draw a beard and a turban. Ha! You see! It is become Mohammed!
Muslim Fundo: You clever and evil Western magical image conjuror! Stop or die!
ME: Now watch as I draw a pie hitting him in the face!
Mus Fun: Now you have desecrated the scared magical image which you just profanely created!
ME: Here. I'm sorry. Let me draw this for you...voila! a Danish Flag!
MF: I will burn it!
ME: Just take it outside if you don't mind.