The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88495   Message #1663617
Posted By: GUEST,Undecided
07-Feb-06 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: joining the masons
Subject: RE: BS: joining the masons
Many thanks Mudcatters - I thought you'd all come up with a lively debate

I suppose on reflection, I wasn't directly asked - I was asked if I'd ever thought of becoming a freemason - and then it was added - I think you would fit in well

I don't really hold that the masons are as evil as some contributors imagine - they seem a very charitable lot although a touch too secret

I agree mostly with Gervase - I enjoy my music and any spare time I have should be doing that - I am very fortunate in life so I don't really need any help either financially or socially

I'll probably say no