The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88604   Message #1664732
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Feb-06 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cartoon riots around the world
Subject: RE: BS: Cartoon riots around the world
Most people seem to lack complete objectivity or even-handedness when it comes to such things, Amos...just watch the rhetoric on this forum.

The only thing that's quite notable about this cartoon crisis is its timing, and how well it has been orchestrated through the world media. That guarantees the biggest and worst possible reaction on the part of both Muslims and Europeans. It's very convenient for certain parties. That is why it's happening.

When something is needed to outrage Americans, something will be found. Just wait and see. Remember the "babies in the incubators" phony story from Kuwait? Remember 911? Remember the Reichstag fire? Remember the Maine? When provocations are needed, they will be provided.