The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88604   Message #1664981
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
09-Feb-06 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cartoon riots around the world
Subject: RE: BS: Cartoon riots around the world
The moderates who want peace have to do something big to make themselves more known or else be painted with the same brush, unfortunately.

In a land where jihad is declared by a government leader against the author of a fictional book, offering a heavenly reward for his killer, would YOU speak out if you were a moderate Muslim? A moderate Muslim is probably someone who has a family and a home and attaches some value to his life. Do you think he (or she) would have the death-wish necessary to oppose that crowd? Even in countries like the US and Britain, the loudest voices coming from the Muslim community are those in harmony with the cartoon jihadists, not opposing their actions. Heck, you have people on this forum who see the whole issue here as the Danes getting what they deserve for being so darn critical.
Wasn't it T.S.Eliot who spoke of the best paralyzed by their own doubt, while the worst are filled with righteous fury?