The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17277   Message #166502
Posted By: GUEST,_gargoyle
21-Jan-00 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Healing Circle please...revisited
Subject: RE: Healing Circle please...revisited
Dear Mick.....

You, did not "spawn the healing threads" the VERY UNIQUE experience with Catspaw.....was a VERY UNIQUE cyber-experience....

Unfortuantely, others have attempted (good Lord only knows for whatever reasons) the "magic" of that experience; it can not be was not orchestrated, or was a heart-felt experence generated from "blind MC citizens" and it was a "Wymoming mile" away from what followed when catspaw returned from his surgery!!!!

Mick, you have had a valid, viable, presence within this musical body....recruit more like yourself...we can certainly use them!