The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87904   Message #1665210
Posted By: *daylia*
09-Feb-06 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things?
There is no way to stress enough what a danger the extreme "christian evangelical movement" represents to basic rights and freedoms. They intend to become western versions of Muslim extremism and end up ***controlling*** church AND state in a country which was founded with the idea that the entities should be separate!

This is so true, Bill. I often forget how different the political situation is for my American neighbours. In my locale, evangelical Christians (or any other type of Christian) are hardly visible at all -- certainly no threat to anyone or anything. So it's not easy to relate to all the hatred and fear and resentment pouring out of so many Americans around the subject of religion today. Mention religion and they hit the ceiling -- it's like touching a nerve.

The US is in a very dangerous predicament right now, but I do have trust in democracy and in the American people. They will eventually overcome and set things right.
