The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88604   Message #1665789
Posted By: LadyJean
10-Feb-06 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cartoon riots around the world
Subject: RE: BS: Cartoon riots around the world
Turkish Muslims tell stories of Nassir ed Din Hodja, a real Muslim cleric from the middle ages. They're pretty damned funny. There are some funny stories in "The Arabian Nights" too. Many of them quite ribald.
It's only recently that the Muslim world abandoned yuks.
When Muslim clerics objected to "The Satanic Verses" Salman Rushdie had to go into hiding.
When the Pope complained about "The DaVinci Code", Dan Brown probably cried all the way to the bank.
I hope to gracious no one from the Christian Right takes inspiration from these people. Imagine if, the next time some television show makes tasteless jokes about Christ, their offices were vandalized, or network affiliates were firebombed, or cable and satellite companies were attacked.
My favorite cartoon on the terrorist virgin theme, was Jules Pfeiffer's after 9/11. Satan meets the terrorist to show him his new house, a doll house, his new car, a toy car, and his virgins, all penned up and baaing, as a flock of goats is wont to do.