The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88726   Message #1666541
Posted By: JudyB
10-Feb-06 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Aussie catter visiting Alaska/Vancouver
Subject: RE: BS: Aussie catter visiting Alaska/Vancouver
Hi Jennie -

It's great that you're coming to our continent - but a shame that it's at the other corner of the US from us - if you happen to make it to the East Coast....

It does sound like a wonderful thing to do - Charlie and I made it as far north on the west coast as Vancouver last year, and it was wonderful!

As for the flight, I have only one thing to say - sleeping pills! My doctor recommended Ambien (gee, I sound like an ad) and she was right - we got a good 5-6 hours of deep sleep on our most recent flights to and from Australia, and really only dozed on and off on the previous flights to and from Australia.

Have a wonderful time! And tell us about the trip - I'd like to see Alaska some day!

All the best,