The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88726   Message #1666630
Posted By: JennieG
11-Feb-06 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Aussie catter visiting Alaska/Vancouver
Subject: RE: BS: Aussie catter visiting Alaska/Vancouver
Thank you for those contacts Charlie, I will make a note of them, and Kat too. Unfortunately due to lack of time we won't be able to get across to the "other side" much as we would love to! I also have a quilting/singing friend who lives in Vancouver but she will be out of town when we are there.
Judy - I have an ear problem with heights, when driving down a mountain my ears don't unpop, they stay blocked and it is very painful. It wasn't a problem until we flew home from New Zealand 5 years ago; flying over was fine, coming home was 3 hours of agony. Ever since then I have dreaded driving downhill and flying. I'm quite willing to take a sleeping pill but I don't know that it will help with the ears. I went to the doctor the other day and he has given me a couple of ideas to try. Now I need to drive to the top of the Blue Mountains so I can see what it's like coming back down!
