The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88606   Message #1667105
Posted By: greg stephens
12-Feb-06 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BBC 2006 folk award results
Subject: RE: BBC 2006 folk award results
I like your category for well-paid people trying to stop folk musicians getting paid. I sit on a few committees for civic festivals and carnivals, and you would be surprised(or possibly not surprised) at how many people, with guaranteed salaries in the £15-30,000 range(whether on holiday, of sick or whatever) who try really hard to prevent musicians being paid £50 each for a days work. I heard one such person say(I id you not) "We;re not here to give the council's money away". This was a salaried official, discussing hiring entertainment for a large English city festival, querying a fee to a band who tour the country professionally. The fee involved was £250 for a four-piece band, including travel!