The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1668046
Posted By: Bobert
14-Feb-06 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney
On last night's news they were making a big issue outta why the White House didn't make the announcement earlier but as far as I'm concerned that dog don't hunt... Like who cares when they told us??? It ain't like a national security issue, is it???

But from reading the posts here this morning about the carelessness on Cheney's part I keep thinking about Iraq and just how similar the two are... There seems to be an nasty little evil streak in this man who shoots first and asks questions later...

It will be nice when the United Sates has him in the rear view mirror where he can do no more harm...
