The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17319   Message #166841
Posted By: JVZ
22-Jan-00 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: Sonny Bono Copyright Extension
Subject: RE: Sonny Bono Copyright Extension
You folks make some pretty good points, but there are some issues which need to be considered:

1. The framers of the Constitution could not possibly have any concept whatsoever of the ways in which a song or tune could be utilized in this day and age. The concept of royalties for a single playing of a recording on the radio would be completely alien to them.

2. The idea of reproducing lyics and/or music on the internet is something that must be dealt with by lawmakers as a completely different issue from recording music for sale.

3. Although attempting to convince the courts, that extension of copywrites is unconstitutional, is a valiant effort; our time may be better spent by letting legislators know when they have made an error. I know that they have a habit of listening to the voice of money, but votes can carry a loud voice as well, if you have enough of them.

Just a few thoughts from an old folkie (or is it fogey)
