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Thread #34510   Message #1668600
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
14-Feb-06 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Origins: We Are the D-Day Dodgers
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: We Are the D-Day Dodgers
That's my info as well.

As to your points concerning the booklet, Abby, I have to bow to your superior knowledge as I'm not lucky enough to own (or even have seen) it. However, if he put his name on it in brackets (did he really? In my post this was a mere comment by myself.) 'egalitarian' avoidance of copyright etc. doesn't seem to have been a major consideration. It certainly is an aspect that doesn't feature prominently in what I've read by Hamish (album sleevenotes, Alias MacAlias).

I found somewhere (would have to burrow for the exact words) that Hamish was told by someone who was important to him and to Scottish literature not to underrate his 'folk' writings, so there must have been an element of that. (Though that someone certainly wasn't Hugh MacDiarmid, from what I've read about his attitude to folklore and tradition!)