The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1668717
Posted By: SharonA
14-Feb-06 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney
According to Forbes' timeline, the hunting party had taken a lunch break before the incident occurred, so perhaps they'd been drinking. But with Cheney's heart condition, would HE have been drinking??

A lot of the details we're being given don't add up for me...

How is it that, at 30 yards and clothed in hunting gear which should have included an orange vest or jacket plus chilly-weather gear, Ol' Harry could have been peppered with buckshot in the upper chest at such a deep level that it was not removed and either entered his heart or later moved there through the bloodstream to cause his heart attack today?

Harry is reported to have said he would not release a statement about the incident out of respect for Cheney, but since the statement released to the press blamed Harry for being in the wrong place without announcing himself, why would he not release a "mea culpa" statement out of "respect" for Cheney? (I suspect that he was told not to say anything because, under medication, he could have said something -- like the truth -- that would have contradicted the ranch owner's statement to the local press in Corpus Christi.)

Where was Dubya when all this was happening? We're told Andy Card and Karl Rove talked to him an hour to an hour and a half after the shooting, and I guess we're supposed to believe that, but I can't help wondering... was Bush actually a member of this hunting party? Was Bush actually the shooter?

Why was the White House press secretary not told of the shooting till 6:00 a.m. the next day? Why was the first statement made by the ranch owner, Katharine Armstrong, to her good buddy the reporter in Corpus Christi at noon Sunday, instead of by the press secretary to the AP and other national and international reporters on Saturday evening? Why did the statement mention "the Vice President" over and over without mentioning Cheney's name -- was Armstrong afraid she would slip and say "Bush" instead of "Cheney"?

Lots of other details about the timeline fail to add up, too, Something definitely smells here, and it ain't gunpowder.