The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1668784
Posted By: Donuel
14-Feb-06 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney
So far everyone here has made good points. But I have TWO QUESTIONS THAT NO ONE HAS ASKED...

1 With Cheney's personal medical team with him at the hunting party, why did they transport the victim over many miles of unimproved ranch roads to a TINY VILLAGE CLINIC (Mayville?) instead of going to the closer and larger hospitals in Corpus Cristy over super highways, or even call in a helicopter with all of the state of the art communication systems that can start a nuclear war.

2 We have all heard the downplay rhetoric by Cheney's lobbiest regarding peppering and it all being the victims fault for not announcing himself and those silly superficial wounds and joking with nurses etc
The man was in INTENSIVE CARE for two days and now back in INTENSIVE CARE again.
SO maybe there has been a touch of spin to soften the go fuck yourself edges of Dick Cheney. What I would like to know is WHERE IS LYNN CHENEY. Dick Cheney's wife is incommunicado. Is she missing? Is she also at an undisclosed location or is she at her Bethesda address down the road from me?

Again why did they take this old guy to podunk central for treatment
and where is Lynn Cheney? Where is Dick for that matter.

Senator Alan Simpson said today sic "its all the media's fault for making a mountain out of a mole hill and that the big papers are jealous of the Texas Gazzette". He says the unwashed people aren't concerned about White House communications but rather a media that is heartless and out of control. "The media makes me SICK"

bad spin Al. Even a dog knows when it has been kicked on purpose or accidentally.

Like Rita Cosby's ass, there is no getting around it, WE SMELL A COVER UP GONE BAD.

Chris Matthews said to Bill Mahre " The Cheney people didn't call the WHite house for a day or even the police, there seemed to be little concern for anyone but Cheney...
Bill Mahre: Yeah Chris, You'd think it was a Hurricane.

now how should I illustrate the real chain of events hmmm