The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88825   Message #1669313
Posted By: Windsinger
15-Feb-06 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Subject: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Oh boy.

Oboyoboyoboyoboyoboy.   :::evil cackle:::

OK, just did a quick forum search to make sure no other 'catters have already tossed this out for public consumption...

Want to have some horrible, horrible fun?

1. Take the lyrics to a favorite song.

2. Go to Google Language Tools and translate the lyrics into German; then from German to French; and finally from French back into English.

3. Post the results verbatim.

4. Either invite your friends to guess the song based on the newly mangled lyrics, or just laugh your own self stupid at the results.

(OK, maybe it's a geekish thing to get excited about. But I still think this game taps into a primal well of human evil.)

