The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1669359
Posted By: Donuel
15-Feb-06 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Ebbie, yeah I too noticed Dick's vicarious thrill turn real.

George W said Dick and I have made the ultimate sacrifice in losing our privacy during this campaign.
He has a point.
Cheney is entitled to his privacy in this time of war.

THIS WAS just a private shooting among friends.
Its nobody elses business.
Just like if I shot you in the eye at a carnival.
When you bought a ticket you assumed the risk.
Besides its your fault for being in the way of my pellet.
The last thing we need is a frivilous lawsuit when its your fault for getting peppered, salted, or even highly seasoned.

THE ONLY SAD PART is that after they took this guy to the remote and tiny clinic in Mayville over rough country roads, instead of a real hospital in Corpus Christy over super highways or even a helicopter AND THEN STUPIDLY went public anyway the next day.

-I bet someone at the tiny clinic called the sheriff and screwed up the whole cover up!!! blabber mouth bastards were probably democrats.-

It all could have remained under the radar in a small clinic in the boondocks, but noooo... someone decided to get a family member of Cheney's lobbiest at the local Gazette involved.


They may have well gone to the closer big hospital in the first place if they were going to go public.
Someone dropped the ball and it may have been Karl Rove.