The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88825   Message #1669360
Posted By: Mr Happy
15-Feb-06 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Subject: RE: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
The sun had placed beyond the hill of yon, through the dull one moor, so mow and lame, a boy there came, to the door of the farmer: can you "are to say me where ' before there is, and to one which I will use," to plow and to sow, to collect and mow, and the boy of a farmer, and to be the boy of a farmer? My father died, and my mother is left with five children, large and small; And what is increasingly worse for my mother, I am oldest of them all. Although little, I work as hard as a Turk, if you give me use, to plow and sow, and collect and mow, and are the boy of a farmer. And be the boy of a farmer? "and if that that you I will not use, a favour I, - will you shelter me have to ask, to the cut of the day, the breath of the cold winter? To will the cut of the day, I go heavily far elsewhere to research uses, the plough and sow, and collects and mows, and would be the boy of a farmer "and would be the boy of a farmer? The wife of the farmer cried, "judge the young man, left do not seek more". "yes the father" the girl cried, whereas the tears rolled in bottom of its cheek: "for those which would work, of the ' tis hard to want and wander for use". Don't leave it left it are to leave, but remain, and the boy of a farmer, and to be the boy of a farmer? The boy of the farmer grew a man, and the good old men died couples, them on the left the young man the farm which they had, and the girl for her bride; Maintaining the young man who was, firm A now, often it thinks and smiles with joy. Ah, day happy it came from this wayThe sun had been adjusted on the mount of yon is, for machn blunt you firmly, consequently you and lamé, a boy maehen had come there, to the door of the farmer: can you be me presumption "where ', before she gives and to one, that I use,", to collect the end to plough and to sow the boy of a farmer, and maehen and to the boy of a farmer says, and to be? My father died and my nut/mother with five children he is left, and mostly small; E that stops my nut/mother is each time more worse, I of am all oldest it. Although little, I works how much one so strong turk, if you to give the use, the excess to me to the plough and and and is the boy of a farmer collects and maehen the ditch of the tap. E is you it boy of a farmer? "and if this, that you me do not use, a preference I, - you protect me obligation, for the cut of the daily one to ask for, the breath of the cold winter? To seat in you the cut of the daily one well, I with distant difficulty another one where, uses, to investigate and to collect the plough and to beat to the ditch and maehen and would go the boy of a farmer "to be and the boy of a farmer would be? The woman of the farmer cried out, "judges the new man, to the left does not look for not more". "the father" cried out the girl, when the rips in the surface lowest of its mordant one had rolled: "for those, that would work, ' of the tis strong to desire for the o use and to the movement". Left is, but the boy of a not lhea farmer leaves to remain and the boy of a farmer goes, and either? The boy of the farmer grew a man, and the good old men had died the pairs, it on in the left of the new man the farm, that had had, and that girls for its bride; The kept new man, who was now, arrests, frequently he thinks d and he smiles with joy. Ampere-hour, the fortunate day lode it in this way