The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88827   Message #1669608
Posted By: Raedwulf
15-Feb-06 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bribed with Heaven Blackmailed with Hell
Subject: RE: BS: Bribed with Heaven Blackmailed with Hell
"What Wesley said"

Unfortunately, most of "the worlds organized religions" are monotheistic, have a one true god, & that god will judge you when you are dead. Hence the carrot & stick ("behave or else...") approach.

Buddhism is a notable exception, since Buddha, as I understand it, is an example not a judge. So maybe the Buddhists are wrong about what happens after you croak, since who says "right/wrong" seems a bit nebulous... But the monotheists are extremely bleedin' sure about what happens after you croak!

As Amos nearly said, organized religion, sadly, is not about faith, but about someone telling you that you doan know neerly as much as wot I does. Civil society, the whole legal system, the local imam, the parish priest, the ayatollah, the pope - all of them tell you the same thing. "I am right, listen to me." At least civil society & the legal system appear to mitigate against the vagaries of one man's capriciousness. To me, that's a very good reason to mistrust the basic monotheist thrust of "There is one true god".

Oh yeah? How can you be sure he didn't just make an error of judgement, had an off day? Blind faith? Not good enough for me! We made him in our own image, after all. And we screw up as often as not - just look at human history!


P.S. Apologies if I've mistaken a silly thread for a serious one.

P.P.S. If this was supposed to be a serious thread, it's a nice premise, but a lousy presentation!