The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88827   Message #1669716
Posted By: Donuel
15-Feb-06 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bribed with Heaven Blackmailed with Hell
Subject: RE: BS: Bribed with Heaven Blackmailed with Hell
edited version:

Health, Wealth. Friendship and Happiness...that is why we are here.
Those are reasons people go to the internet forums, churches, synagoges and mosques.

Health might entail questions to fight or avoid disease or simply share recipes for good food.

Wealth might be about insulating a house or how to sell what you just made.

Friendship might be vicarious, virtual or meeting a future spouse here.

Happiness is beyond a definition but the biggest mistake people make about happiness is that it is a commodity that has a finite supply.
Most wars and strife are about happiness being stolen as if it is a commodity. One then seeks justice and revenge to make someone else miserable or dead to make you happy about your loss. But the justice and revenge never delivers happiness. As long as one thinks it is gone it will be gone. Good news - sometimes justice deferred is happiness returned from the cornucopia from which it truly springs.

Like the cells of your body that do something for the body and in turn is fed and cared for, we in our own lives adt as if there is a carrot and stick in charge of all our transactions. The illusion of carrot and stick relationships is fine for a child. We possibly think to ourselves that it is not a child's fault for being stupid or inexperienced but it is also true for us adults. It's true for Bill Clinton as well as W.

It's not your fault you are stupid about certain things. You can learn but it is difficult since our normal 5 senses with the whisper of a 6th do not illuminate the whole of our universe in which we live.
Peace has spoken of the hubris of not knowing and making it more possible to learn with an open mind.

So Christians, Jews, Muslims and Atheists it is not your fault you have sometimes been stupid and feel happiness has been irretrievably stolen. Its not your fault that being alone can seem like a curse or a relationship was only a mirage. REMIND yourself often anyone selling hatred over loss is selling poison. Happiness is not a commodity. IF you hear someone of authority or holiness call another person a boy scout or infidel because they are not ruthless enough to do the wrong thing - YOU WILL KNOW IMMEDIATELY who you could trust.

Kindness is often a mask the deceiver will wear but they are unmasked as soon as they tell you whom to hate.

All the scriptures really say about right and wrong is that love and forgiveness is good for your own soul and that hating wrong doers is not a means to an end of wrong doing. Even evil unchecked will die with its host like a cancer. Your happiness is not dependent on the wrong doer.

So trust your sixth sense and make a future of your own making, before it happens. It's easy if you try. You don't even have to believe.