The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88825   Message #1669864
Posted By: gnomad
15-Feb-06 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Subject: RE: Fun With Mangled Lyrics
Dido Bendigo

while I during a one morning the last autumn to arrive,
overheard I slightly splendid Foxhunting,
between two noblemen and Herzog Buckingham,
if early, right the day to be born there.

It there had of Dido, Bendigo, Gentry which it was there-o,
the piece of race, never looked at there had him behind him,
him of Countess, Rover, left Bonny, and Jover,
those was hounds which could find it.

* source the first fox, which young person it,
and its right to start tentative,
it right for the river to far form,
it it high hill yon to run to leave
and descend weak Kieme yon and to think,
which it its freedom there for always finding.

Sources the following fox which is old,
and its attempts behind being born,
it is precisely formed far from the well for the river,
the fox which it jumped inside, but Hound' S which was jumped after him,
was to it the piece of race which was destroyed to him there for always.

Wells it ran on the level
but they have it soon still,
hounds the fox are never removed,
decreasing twelve months right today be,
since I heard that said Squire,
"listen to you, ahead, my courageous hounds for always"

I reckon that after 12 pints some folks could nearly sing that.