The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1670395
Posted By: gnu
16-Feb-06 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney
"Ummm, nope. Needed a quail stamp. Didn't have it."

But... he was licensed.... read the news!!! Sweet Jaysus... ere ye stunned? The stamp just came out. The local admin didn't even know it was required or they would have informed him when they WERE ASKED FOR ALL NECESSARY PRMITS!!! Good sufferin fuck!! I can't believe you said that.

"If you're of the opinion that saying "Go f*** yourself" to a Senator is a "sport"."

I have no idea what you meant by this. But... I am a Canuck. Unlike you Yanks, when someone needs to be told to go FUCK THEMSELVES, we do... and we follow up. You and Dick work that one out.

"Why? Would he have shot Kennedy? I think you missed the prior poster's point. (hint: he was helping Cheney's case a bit by the comparison)"

Gee. You are so intelligent that you missed my point. I wish I could hold a candle to you. Seriously, I rather not. Try to catch my drift there, smartass.

"Your next paragraph is so long and so full of shit... I am paraphrasing here..."

... that is doesn't deserve a response.

"Gnu, I notice you're getting a bit testy here. Why?"

Why? Gee. That really makes me sad. I just cannot comprehend that so many people who seem to stand for "right" and "justice" and so on can be so bloodthirsty, can be so willing to convict a man with no proof, can judge a man guilty before the facts are known. And, it's not just Dick. It happens every day. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Innocent until proven guilty. Am I wrong?

Read the thread on the guy who shot the raptor in England just recently. Same thing. People wanted to "punish" the man for things they could only assume he might have done. Sick puppies!

I just thank goodness that there is a British law system in effect and not mob rule or idiot rule where I am.

BTW... I am no fan of Dick, or Junior... not by a long shot.

Hehehehehe... hey... if ya can't laugh....