The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1670495
Posted By: CET
16-Feb-06 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney
I still don't like the rush to judgment by so many on this thread, any more than Gnu does, but as more gets reported, the case for Cheney gets weaker. It seems now that he turned and fired, and then saw that he had shot his friend. It seems evident then, that: 1) he shot at too low an angle; 2) his friend was not hidden; 3) whether or not the other hunter had moved out of his proper zone, Mr. Cheney clearly fired before verifying that the field of fire was clear.

I used to be a prosecutor (in remission for 12 years now), and I have some difficulty in understanding the attitude of the District Attorney, who was quoted as saying he could see nothing criminal in this, and that it was obviously an accident. Well, nobody sane is suggesting that the Vice President shot his friend on purpose, but in Canada we have an offence called criminal negligence causing bodily harm. Is there really no equivalent in the Texas penal code? Any Mudcatter lawyers out there?