The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88753   Message #1670519
Posted By: Arne
16-Feb-06 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shotgun Cheney
Subject: RE: BS: Shotgun Cheney

The stamp just came out. The local admin didn't even know it was required or they would have informed him when they WERE ASKED FOR ALL NECESSARY PRMITS!!! Good sufferin fuck!! I can't believe you said that.

As they say, "ignerrance of the law is no defense". That being said, they let him off with a slap'o'da'wrist because the stamp was new and not too many people knew about it. But that hardly changes the fact that the law required it and he didn't have it. Say what you want about that being understandable, excusable, or (in this case) excuse, but the FOTM is he didn't have it in violation of the law. OK?

Gee. You are so intelligent that you missed my point.

Yep. Sailed clear over my head. Guess you weer aiming high; a wise decision in these troubled times. So why don't you try again?

I just cannot comprehend that so many people who seem to stand for "right" and "justice" and so on can be so bloodthirsty, can be so willing to convict a man with no proof, can judge a man guilty before the facts are known.

He shot someone. Maybe an accident. Maybe intentional. We don't know all the facts, as you say. I'm willing to be charitable (for now) and assume the former, but I don't see how you can get off with any other conclusion than one of those two given even his own statements on what happened. So there we are. Hate to say it, but you do bear some responsibility when you accidentally shoot someone. Fair 'nuff?

And, it's not just Dick. It happens every day.

If it's no real bother, mind if I steer a wide berth of you? But, no, it doesn't "happen every day". At least not in normal company; can't say if your situation pertains.

Read the thread on the guy who shot the raptor in England just recently.

As I stated above: If you're going to pull that trigger, you are responsible for making sure that whatever is in your shot's path is something you want to hit. You don't know? Then don't pull the friggin' trigger. People who violate this rule are generally termed ... with derision ... "trigger-happy". Come to think of it, this is hardly the first instance that ol' "GFY" Dick has pulled the trigger too soon. Except last time, 2200 young Americans ended up dead. You're right if you think this latest shooting is a little thing. It is; it's just too damn symptomatic of why Cheney ought to be allowed to "go hunt himself" ... and nothing else. I would note that the next time Scalia is asked to join Cheney hunting, he might be inclined to find more "conflict of interest" than he did the prior time.

Seriously, gnu: Cheney's a "loose cannon". No other way to put it. And that's that....
