The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88495   Message #1670871
Posted By: Alan Day
17-Feb-06 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: joining the masons
Subject: RE: BS: joining the masons
No Brian, Masonary is free to all who want to join ,providing you do not have a criminal record and have a belief in a supreme being.Many sons of Masons do join, but it is certainly not a requirement.It is open to anyone rich or poor and you give to charity what you can afford without detrement to your wife and family.If you are interested in joining contact your local provincial branch and they will put you in touch with a Lodge near to you, or if you know a Mason tell him that you are interested in joining.You will be expected to have an interview to ensure you are a fit and proper person to be a Mason and if accepted will be asked for a joining fee.
If you are a business man and you expect that it will open doors for you forget it.More business is done over a pint in the pub than in Masonic Lodges
An earlier poster said that the rule has now changed and that a Mason can ask someone if they would like to join,I forgot this new ruling and I apologise for my error.