The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88890   Message #1671792
Posted By: John MacKenzie
18-Feb-06 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Troll spotting
Subject: RE: BS: Troll spotting
Well as one can of worms closes another one opens. I'm quite sure that OP knew that this thread would go this way, cos they all do, it is not possible to hold a sensible discussion on the subject of trolls.
As for the 'outing' of Bruce, I'm sorry Joe but if you're going to start that I shall begin to think of changing your surname to MacArthy.
You have always said that it is not part of your remit to criticise, merely to edit and tidy-up where necessary, don't think that slamming a Mudcatter comes under either category.
As someone who logs in every day, and who has got quite good at recognising some posters 'styles' I can often identify who Guests really are.
I'll tell you, posting as a Guest is one thing, but posting under another Mudcatters name is entirely different, and I am pretty sure that one Mudcatter has done that, posing as more than one Catter, as well as posting against himself as a guest. So if you're going to condemn one person for doing it, surely in the best House Un-Mudcatian Affairs tradition others should be named.
Sorry Joe, but it's getting near time to close this thread too.