The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88918   Message #1672248
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
18-Feb-06 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: CDs from old cassettes
Subject: RE: CDs from old cassettes

How cheap is it?? As you know, that's a major factor for me.

And how easy? As you also know, I know how to get e-mail and that's about it!

Right now I'm sitting here looking at just about a thousand cassettes waiting to be converted. (That is an accurate number.) After all the times I've posted to Mudcat threads before and/or without thinking enough about what I'm saying, it should be apparent to most of you out there in cyberland that I've got WAY too much time on my hands!!

This sounds like just the project I need to keep me occupied and sending the collected things I've saved out to friends, like you, and, maybe, to the Library of Congress Archive Of Folk Culture as well.
