The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88874   Message #1672390
Posted By: DougR
18-Feb-06 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cheney To Resign Soon
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney To Resign Soon
Ron Davies: no, I am not totally stupid. I realize that anti-Bush folks want the VP to remain because they believe that the Bush administration is a disaster and that Cheney has contributed to it. Many believe that he is actually "President." They obviously would not like to see the VP fired or see him resign.

I don't believe that Bush will dump him and I don't think he will resign.

Kevin: what has Bush done for the country you ask? Our economy is in great shape. The stock market is strong and breaking all previous records. Unemployment is lower than it has been in years. Prescription drugs are included as a part of Social Security for the first time in history. The plan may not be perfect, but then one must be aware that there are still Democrats in the Senate and the House and they don't want to see a perfect program that would benefit the Republicans. Bush has proposed changes to the Social Security Program that would preserve it for the young people coming up who, if changes are not made, will not be able to participate in the program because it will be broke. The administration with a lot of help from it's allies have introduced the idea of democracy to the Iraqi people.

Most Mudcatters will scoff at that last sentence, but they can't deny that the two elections held in Iraq were a great success and a self-governing government will soon be in place. The action in Iraq has given pause to other countries in the region and other like democracies may be in the offing. None of them will be carbon copies of the democracy we know in the U. S., but it will be better than the government they had under folks like Saddam.

The U. S. mainland has not been attacked by terrorists since September 11, 2001. The Bush Administration deserves credit for that though few on this forum will be willing to do so.

For the first time, an American president has begun a concentrated effort to wean the country from fossil fuels. Bush is encouraging the continued development of alternative fuels including nuculear energy so that some day we will not be dependent on unfriendly countries to supply us with their oil. These are a few things Kevin.

As to Condi Rice and Hillery Clinton running for president, I would dearly love to see that happen.
