The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88950   Message #1673301
Posted By: Bobert
19-Feb-06 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Responses To Racism
Subject: RE: BS: Responses To Racism
Well, if I didn't get my consciousness jacked up growing up a mom who was not only a feminist but also an active civil rights advocate and activist then I sho nuff got the rest of the educvation when I went off to college and met alot of folks who were fightin' against all the "isms" but...

...with that said, yeah, over my life I confess to having become very leary of white guys...

(But, Bobert, you is a white guy???)

Well, okay, good point... But, unfortunately, this is my "ism confession" but ti ain't like I don't try to work on it... I mean, lets get real here... As "classless and free" as we may think we are, this is a very "ism-istic" world in which we live and the "ism's" are freely encopuraged and fostered thru all kinds of turmoil and events... Look at the recent cartoons of Mohammed, fir example...

So, it is my opinion that its better to have a discussion about the "isms" and they way theu are manipulated to keep folks divided (and conquered) than to ingore them...

Now, with that said, I think there has been way too much finger pointing here recently about anti-Semitism but that's only MO... If I felt that those discussions were anything other than one individual wanting persona; (as opposed to collective) attention I might have taken those threads more seriously...

Bill Clinton suggested that our nation oneeds to have a discussion on race and I couldn't agree more.... And we also need to talk about the way that minorities and women have been and continue to be discriminated against in education, employment, housing, etc., etc...

Yes, we do need to talm about these thing and we need to fix some stuff... It's one thing to say, "Hey, why should I be responsible for what my grand=daddy did?" but quite anjother to look at what *we* are doing under *our* watch... But we need to look at both...
