The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89003   Message #1674915
Posted By: freda underhill
21-Feb-06 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: David Irving goes to prison.
Subject: RE: BS: David Irving goes to prison.
The thing about David Irving is that he gave credibility to Holocaust denial by claiming to be a historian. People would say, I don't believe that the Holocaust didn't happen, but David Irving is a serious historian, and if he is saying this maybe there's something to it.. I don't believe in the Holocaust denial, but since Irving says it, maybe it wasn't six million; yes Holocaust denial is totally discredited, but maybe there weren't gas chambers, etc.

He was an inept, bigoted, biased person whose claims to academic credibility have been previously destroyed. He was too proud to admit he was wrong and has been given a big fright.

Many Jewish people feel that a better way of dealing with him would be to laugh at him, dismiss him, expose his incompetence. They are concerned that he will become a martyr and develop more followers.