The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17360   Message #167498
Posted By: Willie-O
24-Jan-00 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: Kendall
Subject: RE: BS: Kendell
Hmm, Kendall, didn't get a Compaq Presario did you? My better half bought one last fall, suppposedly including 100 free hours of internet. There was an 800 access number for those who didn't have a local call to a dial-up. Guess what--800 numbers aren't always free to the caller! I read the fine print which said "15 cents/minute to use the 800 number"--which a lot of times is more expensive than long distance! So we didn't use it, much. Last month I read in the paper about someone who bought the exact same model computer, didn't read the fine print carefully enough, and got a $3000 phone bill. The good news that you should take note of is that Compaq, faced with unhappy customer and bad publicity, waived the charge, big misunderstanding, blah blah blah (and they've stopped the practice that allowed this to happen in the first place since it leads to a lot of situations like this.) You might try this first before you sue the poor dumb-ass that set up your machine--the computer maker has deeper pockets.