The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89003   Message #1675045
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
21-Feb-06 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: David Irving goes to prison.
Subject: RE: BS: David Irving goes to prison.
bloody brilliant.... a result! at last someone is standing up these awful people. they despoil every bloody thing they touch and how they must laugh at the democratic courtesies of places like mudcat.

it's not really a case of of free speech - for those people who haven't really caught the drift. it is people - lots of people abusing our free society. Mr Irving is a very readable writer with an attractive demotic style. thus companies who should know a lot better, give his books big promotional pushes when they are published - the real villains are the giants of the high street book shops.

the freedoms of our society were very hard fought for. there are some capitalist gits who sell those freedoms for a mess of pottage every time they get the chance.

and should not Mr Irving enjoy those freedoms, I hear the appeasers chorus.

well put it this way for those right ideologues - should someone be allowed to advocate the murder of the royal family, or the poisoning of the water supply. Mr irving's ideas are a more subtle poison. Of course they should be allowed, they just shouldn't be sold quite as energetically as the basic decencies.