The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89003   Message #1675748
Posted By: GUEST,Redhorse at work
22-Feb-06 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: David Irving goes to prison.
Subject: RE: BS: David Irving goes to prison.
Irving's defence in Austria was that in 1998 he had discovered evidence that the chambers at Auschwitz really existed, so he changed his mind.
In 2000 he told the High Court in London ""I deny that millions died in the gas chambers because of the logistical problems for a start.....There are so many Auschwitz survivors going around, in fact the number increases as the years go past, which is biologically very odd to say the least. I'm going to form an association of Auschwitz Survivors, Survivors of the Holocaust and other liars, or the ASSHOLS."

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