The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72284   Message #1676770
Posted By: GUEST,
23-Feb-06 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Teesside Fettlers.?
Subject: RE: Teeside Fettlers.?

I played with the Fettlers, bass, brass and vocals, for 25 years until January last year.

We did a CD in 2001, Noting The Changes, with most of the 'standards' on, and some new songs by Bob Skingle, my choice being The Pitwhell (14). As a professional photographer, Bob had been commissioned to record the demise of the last coal pits in the North and this spurred him on to write some excellent songs. This was the last recording that Stewart and Bob did together. The last time that I spoke to Bob he said that he had not played for a number of years - what a shame - nice chap, good friend and a superb musician.

I think it was the best 'album' that we/they ever did, but I would say that, wouldn't I? The quality of the recording is of a high standard.

If anyone wants one of these very rare items, I have about X10 new in a box and would sell them for £10.00 each, plus p&p at £2, £12 in total.


Adrian Beadnell (01287 622952)